Lauren Salazar "Innards"

Blog Post Tag: students

Outstanding Student Awards 2018 (Part IV of IV)

September 5, 2018 9:00 am

Closing out SDA’s Outstanding Students Award Winners is our fourth, and final, top-notch gallery of student work featuring innovation within the field of fibers and textiles. All were nominated by the chair of their department, all winners receive a free digital membership for the year. For more information on the Outstanding Student Awards go to …

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Outstanding Student Awards 2018 (Part III of IV)

August 29, 2018 9:00 am

This week presents our third batch of SDA’s Outstanding Students Award Winners and they will continue the streak of innovation within the field of fibers and textiles. Nominated by the chair of their department, all winners receive a free digital membership for the year. For more information on the Outstanding Student Awards go to …

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Outstanding Student Awards 2018 (Part II of IV)

August 22, 2018 9:00 am

Our second gallery of SDA’s Outstanding Students Award Winners is just as amazing as last week’s, and features innovation within the field of fibers and textiles. Nominated by the chair of their department, all winners receive a free digital membership for the year. For more information on the Outstanding Student Awards go to or …

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Outstanding Student Awards 2018 (Part I of IV)

August 15, 2018 9:00 am

The winners of Surface Design Association’s Outstanding Students Awards were announced this past June, and what an amazing group emerging professional work we received. All the student’s work features innovation within the field of fibers and textiles and is part of a cohesive and professionally accomplished body of work. With 40 winners (both nationally and …

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