Blog Post Tag: Resources

Why I Made Time to Get Made/Aware

November 16, 2015 8:40 pm

Whether or not you were able to attend, get an overview of some hot spots & highlights of “Made/Aware: Socially Engaged Art” – Surface Design Associaton’s 1st Craft + Concept Intensive held at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts in October 2015. Emerging artist, educator (and 2nd generation SDA member!) Tamryn McDermott shares her play-by-play experience here.

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9ISS Tour = Special Access to Textiles + Experts In China

August 19, 2015 3:15 pm

9th International Shibori Symposium (Fall 2104) in Hangzhou, China, opened unprecedented access to Chinese textile history and practice for 250 international participants from 15 countries. Get a taste of the experience for yourself – and find out what impressions endured after this once-in-a-lifetime journey – from artist/educator Amy Putansu. …

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Inkodye + Me: A Love Affair With Transparency

July 1, 2015 6:52 pm

Back in the 1980s, artist/composer Ray Pierotti met and fell in love with Inkodye for the way it rendered transparency in his sound-inspired work. Through thick and thin (and a recent name change to Lumi/Inkodye), he’s become a master at manipulating its special effects. Let his ethereal, soulful work compel you to explore this unique solar-powered dye yourself…….

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A Contemporary French Textile Odyssey

June 1, 2015 5:56 pm

Let artist Barbara Shapiro take you along on her recent search for the pulse of contemporary French textile arts. Get hots tips for planning your own Francophile textile travel while getting an overview of the who’s who in French fiber via this stunning photo essay – exclusively for SDA NewsBlog. …

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DC’s Textile Museum Finds New Home at GWU

May 26, 2015 11:50 am

At almost 100 years old, the Textile Museum in Washington DC has a new home on the campus of George Washington University! If you couldn’t be there for the gala opening, let former SDA President Candace Edgerley show you the many splendors of the new facility and inaugural exhibition. You’ll want to add a visit there to your plans for textile travel……

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Textile Center Library: Check It Out!

April 30, 2015 9:08 am

Want easy access to outstanding information on fashion & textile arts? You don’t have to live in Minneapolis, Minnesota to take advantage of the Textile Center Library. With 27,000 fiber-focused books + 40 periodical subscriptions, this library was included in American Craft Council’s 10 Must-See Craft Resource Collections. Find out how you can take advantage of this rich resource, here….

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Shop Talk: Good Photography Gets Your Work Selected

March 20, 2015 4:44 pm

Poorly lit photographs in unprofessional settings can kill your chances of getting your work selected for a show – like SDA’s upcoming “Materialities” catalog & exhibition opportunity. Do you understanding how to correctly size and format images to meet submission requirements? Use this illustrated list of dos & don’ts to make sure your entries get seen. Digital Diva LM Wood shows how….

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19 Textile Books to Give & Get (2014)

December 8, 2014 12:24 pm

Giving – and treating yourself – to the pure pleasure of handling a beautiful art book has become a luxury experience. Give – and get – that joyous experience with any one of these textile-focused books published in 2014. Buy them via philanthropy and you will also support SDA’s mission – at no cost to you. Start clicking, here!…

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