Blog Post Tag: Resources

Web Links to Lace Issue Spring 2011 SDA Journal

June 24, 2011 1:50 pm

SDA Journal editor Patricia Malarcher confesses she “didn’t used to be a “lace person”: lace was fussy, frivolous,susceptible to snags; it belonged on wed- ding gowns and garments of historic artistocrats, not in the studio. Seeing the lace that artists are making today reversed [her] “no” to a vigorous “yes”.” Find links to the new face of lace stories featured here!

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SDA Members In Print: Rita Trefois & “Fascinating Batik”

January 13, 2011 6:14 pm

In the forward to this new book, Rudolf Smend writes, “Rita Trefois has managed to create a record that presents contemporary batik art in a timeless fashion, as well as expertly incorporating the history and, in particular, the batik technique….This publication is an important milestone in the long history of batik, as well as a prototype and inspiration for the younger generation.” Read Rita Trefois’s introduction to her long-awaited book here!

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Link About This

October 21, 2010 6:09 pm

Let Mickie be your guide to 3 excellent online resources: the Berg Fashion Library, the Textile Museum of Canada and the blog of Temple University/Tyler School of Art’s Fibers & Material Studies program. All are excellent sources of fiber! Also included is a link to Rutger’s Legacy Planning archive of videos from a recent conference on that topic. …

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