Blog Post Tag: Member Buzz

First Encounter in Costa Rica: Red Textil Iberoamericana

November 5, 2010 5:56 pm

Thanks to SDA member Silvia Piza-Tandlich, I learned about the non-profit textile organization Red Textil Iberoamericana, founded in 2006 in Costa Rica. Their first ever conference, First Encounter of the Iberoamerican Textile Network, was scheduled to take place in San Jose during October 2010. Here are some highlights of my first encounter with Red Textil……

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Crossing Mediums: A Dip into Wax

September 23, 2010 5:50 pm

The 2010 Encaustic Conference (June 11-13) offered lots of reasons for artists working in fabric, thread, and paper to explore the medium of wax. A stimulating cluster of exhibitions, knowledgeable sessions on materials and processes, a brilliant keynote address, and an insightful panel on art and business sent participants home with heads full of information and inspiration….

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SDA Members’ Buzz: The Catch-up Round

August 27, 2010 5:40 pm

This MEMBER HOT SPOT features the work of 3 SDA members–Ann Nyberg of Sweden, Linda Colsh of Belgium and Joan Schulze of California–whose work was exhibited this summer at the 4th Riga Triennial in Latvia. Also included is some catch up buzz about Kiyomi Iwata and Yoshiko Wada. Shown at left is Ann Nyberg’s “State of Universal Chaos” from Riga….

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Burbank to Bursa: Woodbury Design Students Tour Turkish Textiles

August 2, 2010 11:48 am

If you’ve ever dreamed of traveling to Turkey, check out a trip taken there by design students from Woodbury University–a member/supporter of SDA. Woodbury Professors Strauss and Kessler generously offered to share this account of their recent cultural tour that focuses on activities related to the study of Turkish textiles and their history.

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May 25, 2010 2:46 pm

The NewsBlog Spotlight will focus on SDA members’ accomplishments both nationally and internationally. Check out this month’s feature on 2 international exhibitions–in Korea and Poland–in which members have recently participated. Shown at left is Lanny Bergner’s “Multiplicity” (detail) from the Triennial in Poland. …

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