"Loose Threads," Laura Thomas

Blog Post Tag: fiberart

Friday Fibers Roundup

July 22, 2016 4:43 pm

Welcome to the first edition of the SDA Blog’s Weekly Roundup! This new segment will feature some of the popular fiber-themed articles, videos, exhibitions, and images floating around the interwebs, as well as an image from an SDA member! Chantal Cardinal Hug Rug (2016) 1) Emma Mattson’s beautiful series of mixed media moss embroideries on Colossal. …

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Welcome to the new SDA Website!

July 21, 2016 8:13 pm

Hello and welcome to the new SDA site! We here at Surface Design Association are so very proud to present our new and improved website! With the new website comes some great changes. The site is now much easier to navigate, membership renewal is faster, and our member database has been upgraded. Plus it’s just …

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