Blog Post Tag: Creative Process

Confluence Conference Workshop: Jennifer Reis & Embellished Textile Assemblage

January 31, 2011 6:34 pm

In my workshop “Embellished Textile Assemblages”, I will be emphasizing both the craft of stitching & bead embroidery as well as ‘happy accidents’ of intuitive compositions and meaning that can arise from serendipitous material combinations. Participants are encouraged to bring a variety of objects/mementos that are visually and/or emotionally compelling. Plan to leave with a completed workshop relic!…

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Web Links to Confluence Winter 2011 SDA Journal

January 28, 2011 4:09 pm

To entice you to register for CONFLUENCE: 2011 International Surface Design Conference in Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN (June 9-12), this issue spotlights featured speakers Pat Hickman and India Flint along with SDA’s President Emeritus Jason Pollen, who will have an exhibition there. Other articles consider ways in which the notion of “confluence” is textile-specific, where “ideas meet and mingle”–whether it be the surface design of municipal recycling trucks or how has supercharged the DIY craft movement. Get your hot links here!…

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Lee Zimmerman Gets High (On Silk)

December 31, 2010 12:32 pm

“I am floating 30 feet above the concrete floor in the dark. I can hear the murmuring of the audience as I strap the paintbrush onto a 3 foot long piece of bamboo. The lights switch on, illuminating a tower of white silk. As as the luscious notes of a solo cello begin to resonate through the auditorium, I begin to paint.”…

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Creative Process: Spinning an ART YARN with Inspiration from

December 29, 2010 9:08 pm

ART YARN was a hot topic at the recent Textile Society of America conference in Lincoln, NE, thanks to Tracy Hudson’s outstanding and eye-opening presentation. This peripatetic spinner/quilter, currently based in Qatar, shares her take on this new twist and how the community has inspired and supported her work through the magic of the World Wide Web. Get inspired by her creative process and spin art, then link to some of her favorite spinners and resources……

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Creative Process: Linda Colsh, Strong Characters & the Baggage of QUILT

December 2, 2010 2:32 pm

“Like many others, I’m concerned about the baggage of “quilt,” Linda Colsh observes. “I think of myself as an artist—no adjectives, no modifiers. If asked to be more specific, I would identify myself as a surface designer, fiber artist, or printmaker. I think the majority of serious studio quilt artists are surface designers and it’s a bit of a mystery why surface design isn’t more widely accepted as a nomenclature for the métier and medium.”
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