Blog Post Tag: Creative Process

Textile Design Inspiration: Past & Present

January 22, 2014 12:12 pm

Textile designers don’t get much attention – or recognition. Bard Graduate Center Gallery (NYC) has put the design process front and center in an extraordinary show about a unique collaboration between anthropologists & designers in early 20th c. USA. Susanne Goetz of FIT gives an overview of where inspiration comes from – then and now….

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“Skin Deep” in a Portuguese Castle

January 7, 2014 10:45 pm

Canadian SDA Member Pat Loucks found an artist’s residency in Portugal, then a nearby gallery in a castle that offered her a solo exhibition. Exploring botanicals as stains, dyes and pigments, after attending Karen Casselman workshops & a lecture by India Flint, Loucks created her show of “Skin Deep” textiles. Find out how….

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New Product Review: The Wonderz of WireKnitZ

December 31, 2013 5:41 pm

Get wired in the New Year with WireKnitz – a new product with major mixed media mojo. Get inspired by work, ranging from jewelry adornments to sculpture and assemblage, using the ultra-flexible and many-hued tubular knit. Let Kathie Kerler get you in the loop about the wonders of this new material, here….

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Janet Echelman: The Complete Interview

June 27, 2013 2:00 pm

Sculptor Janet Echelman rarely has time to give talks – but she accepted SDA’s invitation. She delivered an extraordinary keynote that brought in•ter•face conference audience to their feet with thunderous applause in appreciation of her powerful imagination. Read the unabridged version of her interview in SDA Journal Spring 2013 issue here….

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Kick Your Work Up a Notch with Writing Bootcamp

March 5, 2013 6:11 pm

What usually matters most to makers is their work – and studio time to make it. But it’s also crucial to write effectively about your work and the work of other artists in order to create a vibrant dialogue within your field. Take your writing to the next level! Learn to write a review of an artist’s work or a gallery exhibition in this 3-day in•ter•face post-conference workshop….

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*Feng Shui* Your Studio To Maximize Creative Flow

August 31, 2012 5:20 pm

After some initial resistance to hearing that a beloved tree blocked the “ch’i”, Patricia Malarcher rearranged her studio according to the creativity- and prosperity-supporting principles of “feng shui”. Take advantage of her research into these fascinating ideas about how energy flows to enhance your workplace – and life….

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