Blog Post Tag: Creative Process

Mending Gold in the Balkans

October 30, 2015 3:25 pm

Brooks Harris Stevens uses the universally acknowledged value of gold – in the form of thread – to stitch healing energy into buildings and cultures. Marvel at these 2 recent installations where she mended the built environment to build awareness about the value of progress in post-communist Albania & recession-ravaged Romania, while simultaneously stretching the boundaries of the fiber medium….

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Teaching Art: A Spectator Sport That Includes Cheering

August 31, 2015 5:05 am

Artist and educator Peg Gignoux coaches the art out of people. Her collaborators are hospitalized pediatric patients, 6th graders, teen poets, refugee children, women in rehab, homeless families, library patrons and cancer patients. You’ll cheer along with her as you view the works that have emerged from putting textile media in the hands of these diverse – and extraordinary – teams of creators….

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Woven Community: An Invitation To Work Shoulder-to-Shoulder

July 28, 2015 9:47 am

Andrea Vail creates community weaving events where people arrive as strangers and leave as friends. Hands working together untangle social tension as diverse participants – who might not otherwise meet – sit side by side to make something remarkable. Find out how these socially-engaged art events evolved. Take part in her next one at SDA’s Made/Aware conference at Arrowmont in October!…

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Inkodye + Me: A Love Affair With Transparency

July 1, 2015 6:52 pm

Back in the 1980s, artist/composer Ray Pierotti met and fell in love with Inkodye for the way it rendered transparency in his sound-inspired work. Through thick and thin (and a recent name change to Lumi/Inkodye), he’s become a master at manipulating its special effects. Let his ethereal, soulful work compel you to explore this unique solar-powered dye yourself…….

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Burning Man: An Artist’s Experience

November 4, 2014 3:29 am

60 mph winds that swirl dust around the Burning Man festival each year make a harsh environment for textile arts. But Cameron Mason was unfazed when the 2014 “Caravansary” theme incited her to collaborate on an installation of glowing banners based on designs from ancient Silk Road cultures. Let her photo essay take you there… …

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“Dyeing Alchemy” Enhances Procion MX Dyeing Process

September 25, 2014 9:01 am

Ever intimidated by the complex math involved in dyeing fabric by weight to get consistent – and reproducible – results? Let dyeing alchemist Diane Franklin’s 2-part eBook wipe away those fears with her unique approach that lets worksheets do the calculations for you. Take your mastery of color to a new level with this comprehensive new resource….

Read More » New Site For The Fiber Zeitgeist

May 23, 2014 7:58 pm

Sons of UK stitch artist Sue Stone created as “a place for textile artists & art enthusiasts to be inspired, learn from the best, promote their work & communicate with like-minded creatives.” Let co-founder Joe Pitcher tell you the now and why of this new voice for textile arts advocacy, here:…

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