You-knit-Tea, A Fiber Teapot

You-knit-Tea, A Fiber Teapot

Artist: Meryl Ruth

Title: You-knit-Tea, A Fiber Teapot

Attribution: You-knit-tea, A Fiber Teapot, 2018 Meryl Ruth

Year: 2018

Materials: Foss shape fabric, original designed cotton fabric, Merino wool, thread, beads, fiber fill, fabric paint

Dimensions: 24” x 13.5” x 7”

Image Statement: You-knit-tea, A Fiber Teapot, is part of a series I am creating called “The Me Too Series”. The movement is an attempt to demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual assault and harassment especially in the workplace, to shed light on this topic and to eradicate its presence. As a working woman, mother and grandmother I am strongly supportive of this cause. You-knit-tea depicts the very familiar World War II icon Rosie the Riveter, a familiar symbol of women in unity, strength, feminism and economic power. Instead of using the words “We Can Do It” which are the words on the World War II poster, for the front panel of this teapot I chose the words “Me Too”, modernizing the familiar symbol. The back panel has the original wording but backwards for artistic diversity. This teapot is created from original pattern pieces, the armature made entirely from Foss Shape, a felt-like fabric that once heated is extremely strong and hardened. Over this armature I wove, quilted and sewed original fabrics, airbrushed coloration and added beading. The lid and feet are created from wet felted Merino wool.