When I’m 64

When I’m 64

Artist: Ann Morton

Title: When I’m 64

Attribution: When I'm 64, 2018, Ann Morton

Year: 2018

Materials: Wool Yarn, Cherry Pits, Lead Shot, Steel Hoop, 64 Speculums

Dimensions: Approx. 84"h x 24"w x 50" d

Image Statement: When I’m 64 is a metaphor for Ann Morton’s sixty-four years of being a woman—each drop, line, and band holding a speculum above the floor represents one year. It is in this sixty-fourth year that Morton underwent a hysterectomy—surgery to remove the uterus—a palpable change to the female body and psyche. The work reflects significant moments in the artist’s life, such as crochet roses on the 25th and 40th drop for the birth of her two children. While this work represents Morton’s personal story, it also holds symbolic meaning for all women who undergo menstruation, birth, and menopause, as well as jumping through hoops to accommodate a society that expects these vital experiences to remain in the background.