Artist: Caren Garfen

Title: VIRUS

Attribution: Virus, 2023, Caren Garfen

Year: 2023

Materials: Textile, green silk thread, cotton binding. Hand stitch

Dimensions: 20cm x 18cm x 4cm

Image Statement: At first glance, Virus might seem closely tied to the 21st century, primarily evoking thoughts of Covid-19 and the pandemic. However, upon closer examination, one discovers a poignant narrative intricately hand stitched with green silk threads onto cloth, featuring the names and brief histories of individuals in the medical profession, including doctors, nurses, chemists, and even dentists, hailing from diverse countries. These individuals were tragically taken from us, their lives cut short through acts of murder or, in some heart-wrenching instances, by their own hands during the Holocaust. Contemplating their potential, one can't help but wonder about the transformative impact they might have had on the world. How many lives could they have touched and saved? What extraordinary achievements could they have realised in their own journeys?