Artist: Caren Garfen
Attribution: Next Year in Jerusalem, 2023, Caren Garfen
Year: 2023
Materials: 100 small vintage wine glasses, textile, silk threads, Israeli red wine. Hand stitch
Dimensions: 80cm x 80cm x 15cm
Image Statement: This artwork has been created to represent a family Passover Seder, a ritual meal to retell the story of the Israelites’ exodus from slavery in ancient Egypt. Four cups of wine are imbibed at specific times during the evening. Ten drops of wine are spilled to symbolise The Ten Plagues. At the end of the meal the words ‘Next Year in Jerusalem’ are spoken. Research was carried out to reveal how many innocent men, women and children have been killed in terror attacks in Jerusalem in the 21st century. The wine becomes a symbol of blood that has been spilled over many, many years.