Artist: Sonja Czekalski
Title: Innards
Attribution: Innards, 2021, Sonja Czekalski
Year: 2021
Materials: My grandmother’s fabrics, my old bedsheets, embroidery floss, yarn, flax paper pulp, seaweed paper pulp, natural dyes, RIT dyes, red wine, and adhesive on canvas.
Dimensions: 54"x 52" x 8"
Image Statement: Innards is a depiction of my deepest darkest secrets. The pattern you see is created by repeatedly writing these confessions over and over again with strands of my old bedsheets, fabrics leftover from my grandmother's quilting studio, and yarn. The tapestry is visceral. Created by the parts of me that I am ashamed to admit, drawn with remnants of materials from people and places that I do not want to disappoint. The repeated layers of materials begin to erase the shame that once was and transform it into something new. It is raw and complex, yet in all its grotesque qualities, represents an authentic portrait of myself that I am learning to be proud of.