Violet Shirran
Three Chainies, 2021
Khadi cotton paper, Found broken willow pattern, Birds skull, red thread 40cm x 20cm
Patricia Hooten
Mr. Miller’s Hydrangeas, 2023
3 mm 100% Merino wool felt, 2 mm 100% Merino wool felt, unbleached muslin 24" x 32"
Linda Kim
1 in 3 in USA, 2020
Recycled tablecloth, cotton, found fabric, thread, batting 51 x 38.5 inches
Mary Elmusa
Compromise, 2022
Monoprinted paper collage, mounted on canvas, machine stitched 43"L x 9"W
Sheary Clough Suiter
A Seedling Of Truth, Earth pigments, Soya Milk, Threads, Reclaimed Linen, mounted on Gallery Wrapped Canvas, 2023 – 2024
Earth pigments, Soya Milk, Threads, Reclaimed Linen, mounted on Gallery Wrapped Canvas 30 x 24 x 1.5"
Maria Sachs
PForm, 2021
Textile,Paint, Free Motion stitching 22' x 9" x 9"
Kim Paxson
Name Your Fear, 2023
Various types of fabric, mostly hand appliqued, embellished with hand embroidery 50” x 37”
Anita Bracalente
Midwest Landscape II Tornado Warning, 2012-2013
Cotton, seed beads, knitted beads 9 1/4 x 19 1/4 inches
Elaine Longtemps
Stardust for Twenty Angels, 2017
Painted rope, canvas, paper, digital text on silk and organdy fabric, gold thread, beads Wall piece: 87"H x 65"W x 6"D Sculpture: 15.5"H x 30"W x 24"D
Ann Vollum
Octopussy!, 2023
Merino Wool 10H x 10.5W x 6.5D in
Debra Weiss
Life’s Lessons Learned, 2022
Yarn, fabric, thread, mosquito net 42" x 63"
Blair Cahill
Three Guys, 2021
Embroidery on reflective material 14.75 X 10.25
Theda Sandiford
Beaded Braids: Double Dutch, 2023
Cider Six Packs and various single use bottle caps strung and knotted with blue and white polyurethane rope 55 x 72 x 8 in
Anna Faye Korngute
Blue Figure (side 2), 2020
Two-sided Silk Noil, hand painted with textile dye and stitched 70” x 27”
Heather Baumbach
Corpus Femina, 2021
Hand dyed cotton, linen, embroidery thread, batting 58"x46"x10"
Kimberley Harding
Sanctuary, 2020
rhododendron prunings, daylily cord, found wood stump and bark curl, birch bark, red cedar bark, pine needles, walnut shell, waxed linen thread, artificial sinew, daylily stems & seed pods, blue false indigo seed pods, plant gall, copper wire, brass wire, beads, brass nails 34" h x 32" w x 24" d
Ruth Daniels
Tangled 27, 2017
yarn, cotton thread wire 25 1/2" x 22" x 13 1/2"
Jill Goldstein
Save Me (detail), 2023
cotton and silk thread, antique lace, linen 17" x 17"
Fay Stanford
Meat in the Middle, 2020
Ink, Cotton, Thread 19" x 43"
Fenella Davies
Sea Fret, 2019
Cotton, antique netting, Japanese matting, scrim, paint 152 x 53 cms