Lexi McCrady Axon, "Study, Taxi Yellow green aqua violet 0403 (detail)", 2018

Member/Art Directory

You can search by any category or any combination of categories below, eg, if you are traveling to Australia and look up SDA members there, enter ‘Australia’ in the country category and click Search.

Name Location Artistic Medium Links
Andrea Snyder Corvallis, OR PA United States of America Paper Making, Printmaking, Sculpture, Painting, Mixed Media
Ashli Aaron Jersey City, NJ United States of America
Christine Aaron New Rochelle, NY NY United States of America Embroidery/Stitching, Painting, Installation, Encaustic, Sculpture, Printmaking, Mixed Media
Nancy Abodeely San Rafael, CA United States of America Mixed Media, Jewelry Design, Installation
Alexis Abrams Los Angeles, CA United States of America
Juliette Acker Chandler, AZ United States of America
Fafnir Adamites San Pedro, CA United States of America Felting, Installation, Paper Making, Sculpture, Weaving/Tapestry
Helen Adams
Lynda Adelstein Keystone, SD United States of America
Mikal Adine Seattle, WA United States of America
Sally Adler Pittsburgh, PA United States of America
Regula Affolter Davos Dorf, Graubünden Switzerland Dyeing/Shibori Techniques, Mixed Media, Printmaking, Quilting, Textile Design
Agusta Agustsson Melrose, MA United States of America Embroidery/Stitching, Graphic Design, Quilting, Printmaking, Painting, Mixed Media
Barbara Aiken Newmarket, NH
Michelle Akcar Grand Junction, CO United States of America
marilyn akerson-corbitt orchard park, NY United States of America
Hope Alcorn Pittsburgh, PA United States of America Beading, Jewelry Design, Painting, Textile Design, Weaving/Tapestry
Judy Alexander Brighton, East Sussex UK United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Margaret Alexander White Gums, Northern Territory Australia
Mary Lou Alexander Girard, OH United States of America Dyeing/Shibori Techniques, Quilting, Printmaking