Friday Fibers Roundup
July 21, 2017
From multiple fiber-based exhibitions opening, to sculptural embroidery works, this week’s Friday Fibers Roundup has got you covered.

Peggy Dembicer Target Practice 2016, fabric mandala, threads, ink, beads, peyote and square stitch beadwork, 11” in diameter.
1) Yayoi Kusama’s Infinity Rooms just opened at the Seattle Art Museum in Washington State, and has been selling out since opening day. Kusama’s experiential art is one that speaks to both artists and non-artists alike with their desire to be in the rooms.
2) The National Basketry Organization is pleased to present: All Things Considered 9: Basketry in the 21st Century. The exhibition is on display June 3rd through July 23rd, 2017 at 108|Contemporary in Tulsa Oklahoma, so see it before it’s down!
3) “Thoughts on the Fourth of July” explores the American flag as a craft project and reflects on on the history of the United States and how to craft what our future can be (via Welcome Blanket).
4) The exhibition A Darker Thread // Edefyn Tywyllach, curated by Laura Thomas, is on display July 15th through October 21st, 2017 at Oriel Myrddin Gallery in Carmarthen, UK.
5) This stunning video shows a master lace-maker at work.
6) Artist Channing Hansen uses algorithms as a guide while knitting his work, which when finished, end up looking like abstracted DNA (via Creators).
7) The Learned Society of Extra-Ordinary Objects exhibition has created a world in which ordinary objects are given intriguing stories by a host of artists and designers. The show will “blur boundaries between truth and fiction” and will be on display July 5th through September 3rd, 2017 at the Somerset House in London, England.
8) This video shows silk cocoons being spun into thread.
9) Caroline Broadhead (Program Leader for Jewellery and Textiles at Central Saint Martins in London, England) recently received lifetime achievement award from The Goldsmiths Craft & Design Council.
10) The three-dimensional embroidery work by Justyna Wołodkiewicz mixes geometric clay forms with embroidery to works that escape the hoop (via Colossal).
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