connie strayer
Keeping It Together, 2022
silk, paper, Thread 8.5" H x 8.0" W
This piece represents the struggle one might face after a traumatic life event. When you feel like your life is unraveling, one must try to "keep it together".
connie strayer
New View, 2021
Silk, linen, paper 20" H x 53" W x .5" D
This is the new world we may be facing, if we do not realize the devastating consequences of climate change. Wildfires, drought and extreme weather conditions are sure to upset our world past the point at which we know it. This may be our new "new View".
connie strayer
Blues #1: Indigo Falls, 2020
Paper, silk 39.5" x 25.5"
connie strayer
Pandemonium 24/7, 2020
Paper, silk roving, linen 23" h x 77" w
connie strayer
Reduce, Re-use, Re-think, 2019
pre-consumer waste, recycled paper, string, thread 7.5 inches x 7.0 inches x 5 inches
connie strayer
Shuttered, 2020
Organza, paper, linen 29" x 13.5"
connie strayer
Carolina’s week, 2019
cotton muslin, thread, buttons 43 inches H x 78 inches W x 6" Deep