Lissa-Jane De Sailles
The Grandmother, 2020
paper cord, waxed linen, paper string 12 x 8 x 8
The body of knowledge within the container of years of lived experience. This work speaks to that part of me that is ancient and knowing.
Lissa-Jane De Sailles
The Tracks We Leave, 2020
paper cord, waxed linen, jacaranda twigs 8 x 8 x 8
The repetition of foot prints over desert sands mark the precession of human movement over time.
Lissa-Jane De Sailles
Ethereal Apsara, 2020
Paper String, drift wood 65 x 36 x 2
As a dancer, I was intrigued by the notion of employing twining techniques to make a sculpture that implied movement or corporeality. Blue represents heaven and the waters whilst green represents earth and fertility.
Lissa-Jane De Sailles
Polymorph 3, 2022
Paper String 10 x 6 x 6
This work is part of a series of twined sculptural forms where faces or spirit beings appeared in the shadows of the anthropological imagination.
Lissa-Jane De Sailles
Holding, 2022
Sea grass, linen 40 x 8 x 8 indeterminate fringe
A reliquary for the female body as sacred artifact.
Lissa-Jane De Sailles
Red Waratah Girl, 2022
Paper String Size 10 Australian women's sizing
Basketry meets botany and wearable art in this work inspired by the camellia genus and Chinese myths of nature spirits in old growth forests.
Lissa-Jane De Sailles
Red Waratah Girl, 2022
Paper String Size 10 Australian women's clothing size
Basketry meets botany and wearable art in this work inspired by the camellia genus and Chinese myths of nature spirits in old growth forests.
Lissa-Jane De Sailles
Red Waratah Girl, 2022
Paper String Size 10 Australian women's clothing size
Basketry meets botany and wearable art in this work inspired by the camellia genus and Chinese myths of nature spirits in old growth forests.