Lisa Klakulak
What Lies Beneath?, 2020
communication wire, steel, repurposed hair dryer, electric plug timer; hand knotted, sand blasted & angle grinder distressed, constructed/welded 15.5" x 13" x 16" mounted at 7' height with timer plugged in wall socket
Exploring held emotions, resulting tensions and temperament through empirical observations of the porosity in material, self/social relations and place.
Lisa Klakulak
Cornered, 2019
wool fiber, repurposed table, grater, sifter, whisk, processor blade, funnel; wet felted continuous skin encasements 16" x 16" 40.5"
Exploring held emotions, resulting tensions and temperament through empirical observations of the porosity in material, self/social relations and place.
Lisa Klakulak
Unfurl, 2021
artist's hair, silk organzine; literally experienced, woven, stitched spine hackle, hand manipulated 28" x 45" x 2.5"
Exploring held emotions, resulting tensions and temperament through empirical observations of the porosity in material, self/social relations and place.