Woven Histories: Mirror, Mirror

Woven Histories: Mirror, Mirror

Artist: Eileen Hoffman

Title: Woven Histories: Mirror, Mirror

Attribution: Woven Histories: Mirror, Mirror, 2024, Eileen Hoffman

Year: 2024

Materials: acrylic paint, pen, dura-lar, chenille stems

Dimensions: 73”h x 32.5”w x 2”d

Image Statement: “Mirror, Mirror” revisits the story of Snow White, where the queen’s envy of her stepdaughter’s beauty drives her to seek Snow White’s death. The queen’s obsession with ego and appearance reflects both historical and ongoing struggles with these issues. The bows—typically seen as sweet, decorative symbols for girls—take on a deeper meaning here. By obsessively repeating this motif, I highlight how even the smallest, most innocent details can reinforce the deeply rooted sexism that women still contend with today.