Induced Demand

Induced Demand

Artist: Kalliopi Monoyios

Title: Induced Demand

Attribution: Induced Demand, 2024 by Kalliopi Monoyios

Year: 2024

Materials: single-use plastic packaging, polyester thread

Dimensions: 28' x 8'

Image Statement: Consider this: every single piece of plastic ever made is still on this planet somewhere today, save the estimated 11% that has been incinerated with municipal waste. We are now facing almost 75 years of plastic production and every year we pump new plastic into the world. Induced Demand is a fine art infographic designed to show how the plastic industry is pumping increasing amounts of plastic into the system each year. Each circular quilt represents one year of plastic production globally. The area of the circle is proportional to how much new plastic was manufactured worldwide in a given year—e.g. 50 million metric tons in 1975 vs 451 million metric tons in 2018. The colorful circle inside each data point represents the estimated 40% that was used for packaging (short-hand for single-use plastic). The small black dot associated with each quilt represents the ~8% that was recycled.