Artist: Mimi Graminski
Title: In Color Installation detail: Double Mobius
Attribution: In Color Installation detail: Double Mobius, detail 2022, Mimi Graminski
Year: 2022
Materials: Fabric, pins
Dimensions: 4"x2"x2"
Image Statement: I am often inspired by materials – the sensuous colors of fabrics, translucent vellum, wispy wool threads. I see my studio as a Iaboratory where I collect disparate specimens, manipulate, combine and transform them often using scraps from other projects to give them new life. The delicate fabric is made to define space, shape and volume. Gravity, invisible air, and shadow play as large a role in the work as the physical media. The shadow can often appear more solid than the object. The work appears to be fragile, but actually has an inherent strength. This speaks to the power of tenderness, a whisper and something just out of reach. “Our greatest strength lies in the gentleness and tenderness of our heart.” Rumi